Tyga Collaborator Fights Vans’ TRO Bid on “Wavy Baby” Shoes

By Tiffany Hu (April 20, 2022, 9:46 PM EDT) – A Brooklyn art collective is hitting back at Vans’ demand to halt sales of rap artist Tyga’s ‘Wavy Baby’ sneakers that allegedly ripped off Vans’ design” Old Skool,” claiming the project is a parody of “sneakerhead” culture and is protected by free speech.

In an opposition brief filed Monday, MSCHF urged a federal judge in New York to deny Vans’ request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction against its new Wavy Baby sneakers designed in collaboration with Tyga, real name Micheal Ray Stevenson. The shoes, which dropped on the same day, were reportedly sold out in less than…

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